Results for 'Roland Albert Dollinger'

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  1. Alfred Döblins Naturphilosophie in den Zwanziger Jahren.Roland Dollinger - forthcoming - Philosophia Naturalis. Beiträge Zu Einer Zeitgemäßen Naturphilosophie. Hrsg. V. Arzt, Th. Dollinger, R., U. Maria Hippius Gräfin Dürckheim, Würzburg.
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    Racial Battle Fatigue in Higher Education: Exposing the Myth of Post-Racial America.Kenneth J. Fasching-Varner, Katrice Albert, Roland W. Mitchell & Chaunda Allen (eds.) - 2014 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Racial Battle Fatigue is described as the physical and psychological toll taken due to constant and unceasing discrimination, microagressions, and stereotype threat. This edited volume looks at RBF from the perspectives of graduate students, middle level academics, and chief diversity officers at major institutions of learning.
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  3. Albert le Grand et Thomas d'Aquin dans la censure parisienne du 7 mars 1277.Roland Hissette - 1982 - In Albert Zimmermann, Studien Zur Mittelalterlichen Geistesgeschichte Und Ihren Quellen. New York: De Gruyter.
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    4-H community pride program.Lynne P. Kaplan, James Grieshop, Paul DeBach, Ronald D. Oetting, Frank S. Morishita, Roland N. Jefferson, Wesley A. Humphrey, Seward T. Besemer, Albert O. Paulus & Jerry Nelson - 1977 - In Vincent Stuart, Order. [New York]: Random House.
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  5. Sur la rédaction par Albert le Grand de sa dispute contre Averroès De Unitate intellectus et Summa theologiae, II, Tr. XIII, Q. 77, m. 3. [REVIEW]M. D. Roland-Gosselin - 1926 - Archives d'Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire du Moyen Âge 1.
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    Œuvres complètes de Jean Meslier. Edition animée et coordonnée par Roland Desné. Préfaces et notes par Roland Desné, Jean Deprun et Albert Soboul. Paris, Editions Anthropos, 13,5 × 21,5. [REVIEW]Albert Delorme - 1974 - Revue de Synthèse 95 (73-74):184-186.
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    The Mythology of All Races. Vol. I: Greek and Roman. Vol. VI: Indian and Iranian. Vol. IX: Oceanic. Vol. X: North American. [REVIEW]Louis Herbert Gray, George Foot Moore, William Sherwood Fox, A. Berriedale Keith, Albert J. Carnoy & Roland B. Dixon - 1918 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 15 (7):190-194.
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    Roland Mortier, Le « Tableau littéraire de la France au XVIIIe siècle ». Un épisode de la « guerre philosophique » à l'Académie Française sous l'Empire (1804-1810). Bruxelles, Palais des Académies, 1972. 14 × 20, 148 p., ill. (Académie Royale de Langue et Littérature Françaises). [REVIEW]Albert Delorme - 1973 - Revue de Synthèse 94 (70-72):396-397.
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    Jean Meslier, Textes présentés par Roland Desné. Paris, Editions Rationalistes, 1973. 12,5 × 20, 256 p. ill. et relié (Lumières de tous les temps)./Buffon, Des époques de la Nature. Introduction et notes de Gabriel Gohau. Paris, Editions Rationalistes, 1971. 12,5 × 20, 228 p., ill., relié (Lumières de tous les temps). [REVIEW]Albert Delorme - 1974 - Revue de Synthèse 95 (73-74):186-187.
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    Diderot, Le Neveu de Rameau, ou Satire seconde accompagné de la Satire première. Introductions et commentaires de Roland DESNÉ. Préfaces de Jean Varloot et de Maurice Roelens. Paris, Editions Sociales, 1972, 11,5 × 17,5, 216 p. (Les Classiques du Peuple). [REVIEW]Albert Delorme - 1972 - Revue de Synthèse 93 (67-68):395-396.
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    Notes et textes sur l'avicennisme latin aux confins des XIIe-XIIIe siècles.Roland de Vaux & Dominicus Gundissalinus - 1934 - Paris,: J. Vrin. Edited by Dominicus Gundissalinus.
    Avant-propos.--Notes: Y a-t-il eu un "avicennisme latin"? Guillaume d'Auvergne témoin de l'"Avicennisme latin." Avicenne et les décrets de 1210 et 1215. Un témoignage de Guillaume d'Auxerre. Un texte d'Albert le Grand. Le cas de Roger Bacon. La date, les sources et la doctrine du "Liber de causis primis et secundis."--Textes: Le "Liber de causis primis et secundis." La fin du "De anima" de Gundissalinus. Tables.
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    The Pope and the Professor: Pius IX, Ignaz von Döllinger, and the Quandary of the Modern Age. By Thomas Albert Howard. Pp. xvii, 339, Oxford University Press, 2017, $34.65. [REVIEW]Patrick Madigan - 2018 - Heythrop Journal 59 (2):305-306.
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    Confucian ethics and japanese management practices.Marc J. Dollinger - 1988 - Journal of Business Ethics 7 (8):575 - 584.
    This paper proposes that an important method for understanding the ethics of Japanese management is the systematic study of its Confucian traditions and the writings of Confucius. Inconsistencies and dysfunction in Japanese ethical and managerial behavior can be attributed to contradictions in Confucius' writings and inconsistencies between the Confucian code and modern realities. Attention needs to be directed to modern Confucian philosophy since, historically Confucian thought has been an early warning system for impending change.
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    Graffiti als Version und Subversion–Praxen kultureller Re-Regulierung und die Möglichkeit von Gratiforschung.Bernd Dollinger - 2010 - Zeitschrift für Ästhetik Und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 55 (2):11-25.
    The contribution attempts to integrate multiple perspectives of current largely heterogeneous graffiti scholarship. Referring to Bruno Latour’s concept »iconoclash«, we discuss graffiti from a cultural-theoretical point of view as a »version«. It appears as a semiotically oriented modification of spatially situated practices that regulate social life. Often, but not necessarily, these practices involve subversive qualities. The concept of »version« facilitates a non-normative and non-essentialist strategy of research. This enables an explorative research practice in which the complex matters of identity and (...)
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    Paradox and Sanity in The Man Who Was Thursday.Frank M. Dollinger - 2005 - The Chesterton Review 31 (1/2):121-128.
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    Overjustification scripts.Stephen J. Dollinger & Richard Heise - 1985 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 23 (2):143-145.
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  17. Psychological mindedness as reading between the lines.Stephen J. Dollinger - 1997 - In M. McCallum & W. Piper, Psychological Mindedness: A Contemporary Understanding. Lawrence Erlbaum. pp. 169--187.
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    The “mirror” and the “mask”: Self-focused attention, evaluation anxiety, and the recognition of psychological implications.Stephen J. Dollinger, Leilani Greening & Karen Lloyd - 1987 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 25 (3):167-170.
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    Intrinsic motivation among clinic-referred children.Stephen J. Dollinger & Judith A. Seiters - 1988 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 26 (5):449-451.
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    Mythologies.Roland Barthes & Annette Lavers - 1973 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 31 (4):563-564.
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    The correlation between interests and abilities in college courses.James W. Bridges & Verona M. Dollinger - 1920 - Psychological Review 27 (4):308-314.
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    Confidence at recognizing psychological implications.Leilani Greening & Stephen J. Dollinger - 1985 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 23 (4):311-313.
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  23. Corpus Analysis in Philosophy.Roland Bluhm - 2016 - In Martin Hinton, Evidence, Experiment, and Argument in Linguistics and the Philosophy of Language. New York: Peter Lang. pp. 91-109.
    The experimental philosophy movement advocates the use of empirical methods in philosophy. The methods most often discussed and in fact employed in experimental philosophy are appropriated from the experimental paradigm in psychology. But there is a variety of other (at least partly) empirical methods from various disciplines that are and others that could be used in philosophy. The paper explores the application of corpus analysis to philosophical issues. Although the method is well established in linguistics, there are only a few (...)
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  24. Elements of semiology.Roland Barthes - unknown
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  25. Anti-Luck Epistemologies and Necessary Truths.Jeffrey Roland & Jon Cogburn - 2011 - Philosophia 39 (3):547-561.
    That believing truly as a matter of luck does not generally constitute knowing has become epistemic commonplace. Accounts of knowledge incorporating this anti-luck idea frequently rely on one or another of a safety or sensitivity condition. Sensitivity-based accounts of knowledge have a well-known problem with necessary truths, to wit, that any believed necessary truth trivially counts as knowledge on such accounts. In this paper, we argue that safety-based accounts similarly trivialize knowledge of necessary truths and that two ways of responding (...)
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  26. Introduction to engineering ethics.Roland Schinzinger - 2000 - Boston: McGraw Hill. Edited by Mike W. Martin.
    Introduction to Engineering Ethics provides the background for discussion of the basic issues in engineering ethics. Emphasis is given to the moral problems engineers face in the corporate setting. It places those issues within a philosophical framework, and it seems to exhibit both their social importance and their intellectual challenge. The primary goal is to stimulate critical and responsible reflection on moral issues surrounding engineering practice and to provide the conceptual tools necessary for pursuing those issues. As per new ABET (...)
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    Reflective and impulsive determinants of addictive behavior.Roland Deutsch & Fritz Strack - 2006 - In Reinout W. Wiers & Alan W. Stacy, Handbook of Implicit Cognition and Addiction. Sage Publications. pp. 45--57.
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    Friendship, Altruism and Morality.Roland Paul Blum - 1983 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 44 (1):121-124.
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    Model competence, depression, and the illusion of control.Steven P. Dykstra & Stephen J. Dollinger - 1990 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 28 (3):235-238.
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    Model consequences and model affect: Their effects on imitation.Mark H. Thelen, Stephen J. Dollinger, Michael C. Roberts & T. John Akamatsu - 1975 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 6 (5):478-480.
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    Meaning and Morality.Roland Kipke & Markus Rüther - 2019 - Social Theory and Practice 45 (2):225-247.
    The debate on how an individual human life can be understood as being more or less meaningful has been pursued for a considerable time now. Despite extensive discussion some important aspects remain under-explored, namely the relation between meaningfulness and morality – even though many authors implicitly assume a connection between these two value dimensions. But how does morality contribute to a meaningful life? Is it a necessary condition? Or is it not necessary but sufficient or contributive? Or is there, when (...)
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    Action and perception in social contexts: intentional binding for social action effects.Roland Pfister, Sukhvinder S. Obhi, Martina Rieger & Dorit Wenke - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  33. Motor compatibility: The bidirectional link between behavior and evaluation.Roland Neumann, Jens Förster & Fritz Strack - 2003 - In Jochen Musch & Karl C. Klauer, The Psychology of Evaluation: Affective Processes in Cognition and Emotion. Lawerence Erlbaum. pp. 371--391.
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    Die Sinnfrage in der Medizinethik.Roland Kipke & Markus Rüther - 2021 - Ethik in der Medizin 33 (4):435-438.
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    Der Sinn des Lebens und das gute Leben.Roland Kipke - 2014 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 68 (2):180-202.
    Definition of the problem: Contemporary bioethics as an academic discipline mainly focuses on moral questions – according to its articulated self-concept and the explicit arguments in most areas of bioethical reflection. Concepts and theories of the good life are hardly considered. Arguments: In reality the ‘good life’ plays a much more important role than it is assumed, but mostly only in an implicit way. The article demonstrates this by referencing three selected fields of bioethical discussion. Hence the article argues that (...)
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    Burdens of non-conformity: Motor execution reveals cognitive conflict during deliberate rule violations.Roland Pfister, Robert Wirth, Katharina A. Schwarz, Marco Steinhauser & Wilfried Kunde - 2016 - Cognition 147 (C):93-99.
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    Thinking with portals: Revisiting kinematic cues to intention.Roland Pfister, Markus Janczyk, Robert Wirth, David Dignath & Wilfried Kunde - 2014 - Cognition 133 (2):464-473.
  38. Viktor Frankl und die gegenwärtige philosophische Sinndiskussion: Ein Beitrag zur Theorie des sinnvollen Lebens in Psychotherapie, Psychiatrie und Philosophie.Roland Kipke - 2018 - Zeitschrift für Praktische Philosophie 5 (2):243-282.
    Das sinnvolle Leben ist nicht nur in der gegenwärtigen Philosophie wieder verstärkt ein Thema, sondern auch in Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie. Bereits seit langer Zeit jedoch spielt es eine zentrale Rolle in der Existenzanalyse und Logotherapie, die der Psychiater Viktor E. Frankl entwickelt hat. Frankls eigenständige Sinntheorie wird in der gegenwärtigen philosophischen Sinndebatte allerdings weitestgehend ignoriert. Das Ziel dieses Artikels ist es, diesen Zustand zu beenden und die heutige philosophische Sinndebatte mit Frankl ins Gespräch zu bringen. Einerseits geht es darum, Frankls (...)
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    Meaning in Life as the Comprehensive Value. Towards a Better Understanding of the Relationship Between Meaningfulness and Morality.Roland Kipke - forthcoming - Journal of Value Inquiry.
    How does meaningfulness relate to morality? Despite several works on this topic, the relationship remains not only controversial but also strangely undefined within the field of objectivist theories of meaning in life. Moreover, some authors define the relationship contradictorily: on one hand, moral action is understood as a branch of a meaningful life, and on the other, meaningfulness is understood as a distinct dimension of value that stands alongside morality. In this paper, I examine this contradiction to redefine the relationship (...)
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    Personality correlates of prejudice against AIDS victims.Jean Cunningham, Stephen J. Dollinger, Madelyn Satz & Nancy Rotter - 1991 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 29 (2):165-167.
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    Mill and Liberalism.Roland Hall - 1965 - Philosophical Quarterly 15 (58):69-71.
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    The Sociological Significance of Culture: Some General Considerations.Roland Robertson - 1988 - Theory, Culture and Society 5 (1):3-23.
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    The Principle of Inversion: Why the Quantitative-Empirical Paradigm Cannot Serve as a Unifying Basis for Psychology as an Academic Discipline.Roland Mayrhofer & Fabian Hutmacher - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Contra: Soll das sogenannte „Gene Editing“ mittels CRISPR/Cas9-Technologie an menschlichen Embryonen erforscht werden?Kipke Roland, Rothhaar Markus & Hähnel Martin - 2017 - Ethik in der Medizin 29 (3):249-252.
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    The Source of Learning is Thought” Reading the Chin-ssu lu (近思錄) with a “Western Eye.Roland Reichenbach - 2016 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 48 (1):36-51.
    The contribution focuses on Neo-Confucian texts as collected by Zhu Xi and Lü Zuqian and is a look from the ‘outside’, from the perspective of German theories of Bildung. It aims at demonstrating that among other insights that today’s readers may gather from Neo-Confucian literature, one aspect protrudes from others: that learning can be considered as a virtue—even a meta-virtue—a form of life and mode of self-formation of the person. It does not seem exaggerated, from this perspective, to state that (...)
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  46. Conceptualizing Cultural Groups and Cultural Difference: The Social Mechanism-Approach.Roland Pierik - 2005 - Ethnicities 4 (4):523-544.
    The aim of this article is to present a conceptualization of cultural groups and cultural difference that provides a middle course between the Scylla of essentialism and the Charybdis of reductionism. The method I employ is the social mechanism approach. I argue that cultural groups and cultural difference should be understood as the result of cognitive and social processes of categorization. I describe two such processes in particular: categorization by others and self- categorization. Categorization by others is caused by processes (...)
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  47. The Loving God: Some Observations on John Hick's "Evil and the God of Love".Roland Puccetti - 1967 - Religious Studies 2 (2):255 - 268.
    Philosophers of religion divide neatly into two camps on the problem of evil: those who think it fatal to the concept of a loving God and those who do not. The latter have established a wide array of defensive positions down through the centuries, but none that has proved impregnable to sceptical attack. In his new book Mr Hick wisely abandons these older fortifications and falls back on highly mobile reserves. Not for him the ‘Fall of Man’ thesis, with its (...)
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    Excluders.Roland Hall - 1959 - Analysis 20 (1):1 - 7.
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    Inwiefern verletzt Folter die Menschenwürde?Roland Kipke - 2021 - In Roland Kipke, Nele Röttger, Johanna Wagner & Almut Kristine V. Wedelstaedt, ZusammenDenken: Festschrift Für Ralf Stoecker. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. pp. 205-226.
    Folter gilt weithin als paradigmatisches Beispiel einer Verletzung der Menschenwürde. Doch was macht Folter zu einem so eindeutigen Fall einer Menschenwürdeverletzung? Das ist die Leitfrage dieses Beitrags. Dazu werden zwei Menschenwürdetheorien herangezogen und auf ihr Potential hin untersucht, die Folter als paradigmatische Menschenwürdeverletzung verständlich zu machen: zum einen Ralf Stoeckers Theorie, die die individuelle Identität und die darauf aufbauende kontingente Würde in den Mittelpunkt stellt; zum anderen meine Theorie, die die menschliche Orientierung an einem sinnvollen Leben ins Zentrum rückt.
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    The Practice of Experimental Psychology: An Inevitably Postmodern Endeavor.Roland Mayrhofer, Christof Kuhbandner & Corinna Lindner - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The aim of psychology is to understand the human mind and behavior. In contemporary psychology, the method of choice to accomplish this incredibly complex endeavor is the experiment. This dominance has shaped the whole discipline from the self-concept as an empirical science and its very epistemological and theoretical foundations, via research practice and the scientific discourse to teaching. Experimental psychology is grounded in the scientific method and positivism, and these principles, which are characteristic for modern thinking, are still upheld. Despite (...)
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